The Band

JDBC is a heavy blues-rock band from Canada. This ain’t yer Gramma’s blues band. While blues has always been the backbone of his playing,
Jeffrey David hails from one of Canada’s premier 80s indie Power Metal bands.  He brings a unique style and ultra-modern approach to the
blues-rock genre. Screaming wah-soaked Gibsons through Marshalls…
…You know it’s about to get heavy!

Unkle Joey

Joe “Unkle Joey” Briffa


Brett Lajoie



Guitar & Vocals

The JDBC Story

Screaming leads on a Gibson through a cranked Marshall amp. That's the sound. Blues, rock & metal become one... with "the worlds heaviest blues band?"

Guitarist/vocalist Jeffrey David, JD, is well known for fronting the Canadian power-metal group Wicked Angel throughout the eighties and nineties. Wicked Angel toured and recorded extensively for over a decade, while JD was also involved in various blues oriented side-projects. However, it wasn't until 2008 that he devoted his skills full-time to this, his hard blues-rock project, including the role as sole writer for the group. Fresh, unique and one-of-a-kind are just a few words to describe his new power-trio. Heavy enough to hit a home-run with hard rock & metal fans, yet deep enough to cut like a knife, and his power-house rhythm section provides the heavy BLUES CONNECTION.

"My 2008 debut is a double length indie release," states JD. "I wanted a decent recording to shop to some labels, but also something we could send out to some radio stations and podcasts. It's been played around the globe and the feedback has been great."

JD likes extremely heavy blues, and so he plays it the way he likes it. His influences from other heavy blues-roots rock artists include Tony Iommi, Ritchie Blackmore, Leslie West, Gary Moore and Jimmy Page, are apparent, as well as others like Mick Box, Alvin Lee, Paul Kossof, the Kings, B.B. & Albert, and others, like Willie Dixon, Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix, Robin Trower, Joe Bonamassa, Walter Trout, Warren Haynes, and Kenny Wayne Shepherd. And let's not forget Leigh Stephens (Blue Cheer).

"I was always into the impromptu blues ‘jams’ that some of the guitar greats would pull off, usually in their live shows. Iommi, Blackmore, Page, West, and Hendrix come to mind. When they did this, they'd never play the same thing twice. They just played what they felt. I like to play what I feel and not do things by the book. Somebody once told me there are rules to follow in music. I didn't believe it for a second,” he says, smiling.

Jeffrey David's BLUES CONNECTION is no ordinary blues band. There's really nothing else like it. While they will satisfy traditional blues fans, they are quite heavy, appealing to rock and metal fans as well, yet with an explosive raw power that's delivered with all the feeling you'd expect from a traditional blues or blues-rock trio. JD's guitar solos are like little stories that take over where his powerful vocals leave off. Whether it's the blistering "Ballad Of Curtis Joe," the deep "How Blue Can You Get," or the ballsy "Road King," you're left wondering what hit you, and wanting more... lots more!

JD Live

"It's true, we're unlike anything else you've heard," says JD. While you might hear hard rock groups throw in a blues tune here & there, this is all we do. The BLUES CONNECTION is rather traditional, but then you got me over-top, and that pretty much changes the game."

The BLUES CONNECTION JD speaks so highly of is the rhythm section of Brett Lajoie, a solid hard-hitting drummer who is a blast to watch in action, and Joe "Unkle Joey" Briffa, a creative bassist who can walk circles around the neck and plays with the huge, full sound needed to pull off a trio of this calibre.

Says JD, about his band-mates, "Brett and Unkle Joey provide a powerful backbone for my screaming wah-soaked guitar. The BLUES CONNECTION needs a team that's solid, heavy, and mean... and these guys just get it. While I have worked with and performed live with Brett and Unkle Joey for years, 2018 marks the first studio release with this line-up - the long awaited, much anticipated follow up to JDBC's debut CD Heavy Effin' Blues. And right from the start you know it’s Blues My Way."


JDBC & side projects. You can buy or stream anywhere online. Links go to Spotify.

Heavy Effin' Blues

Heavy Effin’ Blues

JDBC 2008 Reissue - 2018
Blues My Way

Blues My Way

JDBC - 2018

Coming Soon!

New JDBC Album
Jeffrey David

Loud & Proud

Jeffrey David - 2018
Kevin & JD

Too Much Blues

Kevin & JD - 2025
Blues Head

Cuppa Joey

Blues Head - 2023

Media Gallery

Check out some music, vids & pics.

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News 2025

JDBC is on hiatus as they record a new album.
Stay tuned!

Jan 2


JDs other band, Kevin & JD, released their Too Much Blues album Jan 2, 2025. Available everywhere you buy or stream online. Happy New Year!

Kevin & JD



Merry Christmas to all.

Happy Holidays


JDBC is on hiatus as they record a new album.
Sorry, not booking live shows at this time.

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Nothing booked at this time.

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